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Author Services


Self-publishing can look a bit daunting if you are just getting started or have medium experience. There are steps to take to ensure that your thoughts are expressed as you envisioned and that your overall book (product) is marketable unless you are only writing for a small core group of people, which is perfectly fine if that is your intent.

If it is your wish to mass-produce and market to hundreds or thousands you must have a book that appeals to many by way of a professional-looking cover, edited material that is aesthetically pleasing to the eye when reading, and clear and concise in delivery.

You will want your book to be available in different stores and be able to obtain copies for yourself.

From Start to Finish

As we said on the previous page, it all starts with a conversation so we are all on the same page and starting at the same place. We begin where you are, whether it be to guide you through your writing process or take your manuscript and prepare it for publishing and mass distribution.

Once your rough draft has gone through a round of copy editing it is then formatted to be sold as an ebook and print. We create a cover that represents your story and catches the reader's eye. Your book goes through the copyright process and receives an ISBN (International Standard Book Number) at which time it is then uploaded to no less than eight online stores including Amazon, Barnes and Noble, KOBO, iBooks, Baker & Taylor, Bibliotheca, BorrowBox, Overdrive (Libraries), Scribd, and Tolino. These companies distribute throughout the world and even place your book in brick-and-mortar bookstore catalogs. 

This is the end of the product development part of what we do. You have a book. It is available in stores but how do you get it seen?


In the past marketing was one of the big gaps between what traditional publishers could provide and those that self-publish struggle with. With the age of social media, free marketing, paid marketing and ad services such as Amazon and Facebook the playing field for exposure is much more level. We offer both light and detailed marketing strategies depending on your genre and desired outcome. We do not profess to know how much success your book will have, just that we will give it every advantage using a strategic marketing outline that begins way before your book is published. 

Your target audience plays a huge part in how your book is marketed. Different genre audiences look for different things in book covers and interior design. They are approached differently and they look for their books using different category headings and sometimes different bookstores. You want your book to get in front of as much of the right audience as possible.

This may mean building a website that allows for readers of similar books to join your newsletter. It could mean PR and media kits being distributed to media channels that promote new books. There are book promotional sites that allow for free or paid group promotions and virtual tours that target those who would be interested in your books. Ads, Amazon and Facebook, alike are great for sustaining and building readership outside of your contact list. It is all up to you.

Submissions and Requests

Thank you! We’ll be in touch.

Wordsmith- Ghost Writing

You may have the desire to see your story, your thoughts, or your experiences in a book but first,

they have to get out of your head. This is where the conversation begins.

This is what you will get in the initial consultation

From the Beginning

Not sure where to start?

No problem

Let's talk

Minimum: 1 hour 

Maximum: 3 hours, in person or via video 

plus 10 pages including outline

Have a General Idea

You have a general idea but need to polish your concept.

Let's talk

One or two-hour phone or video call.

Plus 10 pages including outline if needed.

All Set

You know what story you want to tell and have the tapes to prove it.

One or two-hour phone or video call 

Including 10 pages 

One-on-One Sessions

One hour session 

should yield three to five

pages of material



We accept books 10K to 100K words



We accept books 20k to 120k words


Character Profiler Services

This service is geared toward assisting authors in recalling their main characters' attributes, chronicling their character's movements throughout the book, and mapping their connection with other characters.


As an author, if you bemoan the job of revisiting the characters of your previous book just to recall their features, preferences, and personality to preserve the consistency of the story in upcoming books, this is the service for you. Let us help you make dusting off your backlist a breeze.


Last-look proofreading: $.0015-.002 per word

This service offers a fresh eye on grammar, typos, and punctuation.
Please contact us for a detailed price list and availability at


Character Profiling: Starting at $60.00; up to 59,999 words

This service offers a detailed outline of your character from physical features to personality traits and tracking their movements throughout the book. You will receive a spreadsheet with your main characters' profiles, the pages they appear on and who they interact with.
Please contact us for a detailed price list and availability at


Character Mapping: Starting at $40; up to 59,999 words

This service tracks your main characters' appearances, movements, and interactions throughout the book.
Please contact us for a detailed price list and availability at


Character to Character Connecting: Starting at $40; up to 59,999 words

This service diagrams mapping genealogical connections or connections by interaction.
Please contact us for a detailed price list and availability at


Know what you want? Fill out this form and we will be right with you. The Character Profiler form.



Like what you see? Get in touch to learn more.

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